We can't think of a better way to Embrace Family than by standing by ours and shining a light on a cause that is very close to our hearts. Meet Marlo, a cherished member of our Return family. Marlo was just shy of reaching her 200 class milestone when her practice ground to a halt. It was then that she found herself facing an almighty battle against Myeloma.
This fight has deeply impacted her family, more than most could ever imagine. Because, heartbreakingly, this is not their first encounter with the disease. In 2015, Marlo and her sons Fred and George experienced the devastating loss of their husband and father, Tony, to Myeloma. Something they don't want any other family to endure. Since then, they have devoted themselves to raising awareness about this little-known illness.
We are so proud to stand in solidarity with Marlo, Fred, and George as we rally our community to support Myeloma Australia. At Return, we are dedicating our 'March Against Myeloma' to making a difference - not only within our community but also for the thousands of Australians faced with this bloody cancer.
Bingo is back and open to all Return members who hold a class package or membership.
Join Bingo by clicking the link below. Simply make a donation, and you're in - and have checked off your first box!
We will be hosting exclusive classes for our March Against Myeloma.
All proceeds will be donated to Myeloma Australia.
Book yours now
Let's hit $10,000!
We will be holding a fundraising event with live music, delicious food, prizes, and we will be announcing the winners of Bingo.
Save the date: 30th March
Details to come.
Bingo is back and open to all Return members who hold a class package or membership.
Join Bingo by clicking the link below, visiting our reception, or scanning the QR codes on posters around the studio.
Make a donation, and you're in & have checked off your Bingo box!
Complete every task on your Bingo card by 30th March 2025 at 1:30 pm.
Spin the prize wheel for your chance to win a share in over $1800 of prizes.
Then, go into our Major Prize Draw, valued at over $3000!
Myeloma, also known as multiple myeloma, is a type of bone marrow cancer arising from plasma cells, which are normally found in the bone marrow. Plasma cells form part of your immune system.
Normal plasma cells produce antibodies (also called immunoglobulins) to help fight infection. In myeloma, abnormal plasma cells release only one type of antibody known as paraprotein, which has no useful function. It is often through the measurement of this paraprotein that myeloma is diagnosed and monitored.
We are hosting exclusive fundraising classes throughout March.
Book yours now:
Friday 14th March 11:30am
Saturday 22nd March 4:00pm
Wednesday 26th March 12:30pm
Who is Myeloma Australia? Myeloma Australia is the only Australian myeloma specific not-for-profit organisation. They support, educate, inform, empower and bring hope to people who are living with myeloma, and their loved ones.